Archimedes Principle

Archimede's Principle states that a torso immersed in a fluid experiences an upthrust equal to the weight of the fluid displaced, and this is fundamental to the equilibrium of a torso floating in still water.

From: The Maritime Engineering science Reference Book , 2008

Bones Transport Hydrostatics

Adrian Biran , Rubén López-Pulido , in Send Hydrostatics and Stability (2d Edition), 2014


Archimedes' principle states that a body immersed in a fluid is subjected to an upwards force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. This is a beginning condition of equilibrium. We consider that the higher up force, called force of buoyancy, is located in the centre of the submerged hull that we call centre of buoyancy. A second condition, known as Stevin'due south law, states that the centre of gravity of the floating body and its middle of buoyancy must lie on the same vertical. For a small angle of inclination the initial and the inclined waterplanes intersect along a line passing through the centroid of the waterplane. For various inclinations the centre of buoyancy travels forth a bend whose middle of curvature is called metacentre. For a trunk floating at the surface, the equilibrium is stable if the metacentre is situated above its centre of gravity.

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Underwater vehicles

In The Maritime Engineering Reference Book, 2008

10.4.2.two Buoyancy

Archimedes' principle states: An object immersed in a fluid experiences a buoyant force that is equal in magnitude to the force of gravity on the displaced fluid. Thus, the objective of underwater vehicle flotation systems is to annul the negative buoyancy issue of heavier than water materials on the submersible (frame, pressure housings, etc.) with lighter than water materials; A almost neutrally buoyant country is the goal. The flotation cream should maintain its course and resistance to water pressure at the anticipated operating depth. The most common underwater vehicle flotation materials encompass two broad categories: Rigid polyurethane cream and syntactic foam.

The term 'rigid polyurethane cream' comprises two polymer types: Polyisocyanurate formulations and polyurethane formulas. There are distinct differences betwixt the two, both in the manner in which they are produced and in their ultimate performance.

Polyisocyanurate foams (or 'trimer foams') are generally depression-density, insulation-grade foams, commonly made in large blocks via a continuous extrusion process. These blocks are so put through cutting machines to brand sheets and other shapes. ROV manufacturers mostly cut, shape, and sand these cheap foams, then coat them with either a fibreglass covering or a thick layer of paint to help with abrasion and water intrusion resistance. These resilient foam blocks have been tested to depths of m anxiety of seawater (fsw) (305   m) and have proven to be an cheap and constructive flotation system for shallow water applications (Effigy x.45).

Effigy 10.45. Polyurethane fibreglass encased and simple painted float blocks.

Polyisocyanurate foams have excellent insulating value, good compressive-strength properties, and temperature resistance upwardly to 300°F. They are made in high volumes at densities between 1.8 and 6   lb per cubic foot, and are reasonably inexpensive. Their stiff, brittle consistency and their propensity to shed dust (friability) when abraded can serve to place these foams.

For deep-water applications, syntactic foam has been the foam of choice. Syntactic foam is simply an air/microballoon structure encased within a resin body. The corporeality of trapped air within the resin structure volition determine the density equally well as the durability of the foam at deeper depths. The engineering, however, is quite costly and is normally saved for the larger deep-diving ROV systems.

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Flotation and stability

In The Maritime Engineering Reference Volume, 2008 Equilibrium of a Body Floating in Still H2o

Archimede'due south Principle states that a trunk immersed in a fluid experiences an upthrust equal to the weight of the fluid displaced, and this is fundamental to the equilibrium of a torso floating in still water.

A trunk floating freely in still water experiences a downwards forcefulness acting on it due to gravity. If the body has a mass thou, this strength will be mg and is known as the weight. Since the body is in equilibrium there must be a force of the aforementioned magnitude and in the same line of action as the weight but opposing it. Otherwise the torso would move. This opposing strength is generated past the hydrostatic pressures which deed on the body, Figure 3.i. These act normal to the torso'southward surface and can be resolved into vertical and horizontal components. The sum of the vertical components must equal the weight. The horizontal components must cancel out otherwise the body would movement sideways. The gravitational forcefulness mg tin be imagined every bit concentrated at a point G which is the centre of mass, normally known as the centre of gravity. Similarly the opposing force can be imagined to exist concentrated at a point B.

Effigy 3.i. Floating body.

Consider at present the hydrostatic forces acting on a small chemical element of the surface, da, a depth y below the surface.

Pressure = density × gravitational dispatch × depth = ρ chiliad y

The normal force on an element of surface area da=ρgy da

If φ is the angle of inclination of the body's surface to the horizontal then the vertical component of forcefulness is:

( ρ thou y d a ) cos ϕ = ρ thou ( volume of vertical chemical element )

Integrating over the whole volume the full vertical force is:

ρ m where is the immersed book of the body .

This is besides the weight of the displaced h2o. It is this vertical strength which 'buoys up' the body and it is known as the buoyancy force or simply buoyancy. The bespeak, B, through which it acts is the centroid of volume of the displaced h2o and is known as the centre of buoyancy.

Since the buoyancy strength is equal to the weight of the trunk, m=ρ∇.

In other words the mass of the body is equal to the mass of the water displaced by the body. This can be visualized in simple concrete terms. Consider the underwater portion of the floating torso to be replaced past a weightless membrane filled to the level of the gratis surface with water of the same density as that in which the torso is floating. Every bit far as the water is concerned the membrane need not exist, there is a state of equilibrium and the forces on the skin must rest out.

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Tribological label of different mesh-sized natural barite-based copper-costless brake friction composites

R. Vijay , D. Lenin Singaravelu , in Tribology of Polymer Composites, 2021

2.3 Characterization of the developed restriction friction composites

A density apparatus that uses the Archimedes principle was used to detect the density. The hardness was measured by Rockwell hardness using the 1000 scale (steel ball indenter with ϕ 3.125 with 1500   N load). Resins that were not appropriately cured were institute using the Soxhlet extraction apparatus by acetone extraction. Uncured resins were found using the acetone extraction examination by using a Soxhlet extraction apparatus. The mass loss due to the ignition of the brake pads was institute by considering five–10   g of the developed sample in a silica crucible heated to 800°C and maintained at that temperature for ii   h in a muffle furnace. The divergence in mass loss was noted and reported. The pad swell on heating was found by considering a sample of size of 10   mm   ×   10   mm   ×   4   mm that was maintained in a hot air oven for forty   min at 200   ±   3°C. The brake pad samples were cut to a 50   mm   ×   25   mm size and immersed in water in ambience conditions for 30   min. For both tests, the difference in thickness was noted. The above tests were performed every bit per IS2742 Part three. The hot shear strength was measured by heating the pad to 200°C and maintaining at that temperature for 30   min while common cold shear strength was found by testing the brake pads under ambient conditions. The above shear tests were performed as per ISO 6312. The paradigm analysis technique used by industries was followed to find the adhesion. Porosity was found by placing brake pad samples of 625   mm2 in a desiccator for 24   h and and so soaking it in a preheated SAE 90-grade oil bath at 90°C   ±   1°C for eight   h. After the required time, the heater was switched off, and the cooling of the samples was performed at room temperature. It was carried out according to JIS D 4418 [19]. To bank check the consistency, 3 samples were tested and the boilerplate values reported. A quick assessment of the tribological characteristics was done using the Chase test following IS 2742 Part iv for a brake pad sample size of 625   mm2 that was fabricated to slide against a 280   mm diameter cast fe pulsate [20, 21].

The fade, recovery, and effectiveness characteristics of the developed restriction pads were analyzed using a full-scale inertia brake dynamometer every bit per the JASO C-406 schedule. The parameters were an inertia of 50   kg   msii, a rolling radius of 0.293   m, an constructive radius of 0.103   grand, a pad thickness with a backplate of 15.1   mm, and a mating surface of cast atomic number 26. The calibration of the data acquisition system used to tape the data was done through process variable equipment, namely pressure level sensors, temperature sensors, speed sensors (encoders), and torque measurement (load cell) as per the National Traceability Standards of NABL-certified laboratories. For consistency in results, two samples were tested. If the error was more than 8%, so a tertiary sample was tested. The establishment of 90% contact between the pad and disc was done by a bedding examination at a 50   km/h speed with three.0   m/s2 deceleration with 200 applications having an initial brake temperature of 100°C. Iii effectiveness studies were performed. In the first effectiveness study, two unlike speeds (fifty and 100   km/h) with two unlike decelerations (3.0 and 6.0   1000/due south2) with an initial temperature of fourscore°C were considered. In the second effectiveness written report, 3 different speeds (50, 100, and 130   km/h) with 2 different decelerations (three.0 and 6.0   grand/s2) with an initial temperature of less than 80°C were considered. Finally, in the third effectiveness study, iii different speeds (50, 100, and 130   km/h) with two dissimilar decelerations (iii.0 and 6.0   m/s2) with an initial temperature of less than 100°C were considered. For all effectiveness studies, the number of applications was repeated until the measurements for 4 or more points were equal within the deceleration range. For the above test, the air blower was kept off.

Two decelerations (3.0 and 6.0   m/s2) were carried out at a 100   km/h vehicle speed for the fade test with a braking interval of 35   southward for 15 applications in each deceleration with an initial restriction temperature of eighty°C nether blower off conditions. In the case of recovery, two decelerations (3.0 and 6.0   m/s2) were repeated at 120   southward intervals for a fifty   km/h speed, with the air blower on and with an initial brake temperature of less than 80°C. The μ was measured and the average values reported. The fade and recovery rates were calculated as per the formulas that are given in Eqs. (one), (ii). The pad and rotor article of clothing were reported based on the after test measurement using a digital micrometer [18, 19].

(1) F a d east r a t e = μ f m a 10 μ f m i n / μ f thou a x 100 %

(two) R e c o v e r y r a t e = μ r m a x / μ r m i n 100 %

Where μ rmax and μ rmin are the maximum and minimum coefficients of friction measured during the recovery bicycle, and μ fmax and μ fmin are the maximum and minimum coefficients of friction measured during the fade cycle.

The K-blazon (button blazon) thermocouple was used to measure temperature. For measurement, drilling was performed through the spigot hole and a thermocouple was placed simply beneath the pad surface. The final and initial temperatures were noted. Another through-pigsty was made for contact with the disc to measure out the braking interface temperature. In the current written report, the pad temperature was measured and reported. In some instances, as prescribed by the client or standard, a temperature rise in the disc would exist reported. A scanning electron microscope (Tescan VEGA 3LMU SEM) was used to analyze the worn surfaces of the tribological-tested brake pad samples.

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Bones Calculations and Hydrostatics

Ted G. Byrom , in Casing and Liners for Drilling and Completion, 2007

Centric Load in a Horizontal Tube

At present let us endeavour some other application using Archimedes' principle. Suppose we have an open-ended tube fixed to a vertical wall and extending horizontally into a liquid, and the central longitudinal axis of the tube is at some depth, h, equally in Effigy 2-5. What is the longitudinal axial load in this horizontal tube (neglecting bending loads due to gravity for at present)? We tin see that a pressure level load on the cease of the tube is acting on the cross-exclusive area, so we know at that place is a compressive axial load in the tube. Tin nosotros use Archimedes' principle to make up one's mind that load? No, we cannot, because Archimedes' principle says cypher about horizontal hydrostatic loads. Also we cannot simply multiply the pressure past the cross-sectional area, as we did previously, considering it is credible from the figure that the force per unit area on the cross section is not the same at all points since the force per unit area varies with depth. So, permit the states run across how nosotros summate the load on the end due to the liquid pressure, which varies with depth.

Figure 2-v. Horizontal tube, centroid at depth, h.

We could evidence this more hands if it were a solid bar with a rectangular cross section, but since our involvement is in tubes, we might as well encounter the details of how it is washed. Since force per unit area varies with depth, we tin express the pressure at some point on the tube cease as follows:

Note advisedly the orientation of our coordinate system, considering we accept adopted the convenient system mentioned earlier for our utilise in well-diameter calculations, and it appears to exist upside down to what nosotros are accustomed to seeing; that is, the z-axis is positive downward. The angle, θ, is measured counterclockwise from the positive z-axis. Since the pressure level varies over the expanse of the tube, the force due to the pressure on the stop of the tube is the pressure level integrated over the expanse of the tube:

(2.21) F y = 0 F p d A = 0 F = r i r o 0 2 π [ p o + g ρ f ( h + r cos θ ) ] r d θ d r F = 0 2 π p o two ( r o ii r i 2 ) d θ k ρ f 0 ii π [ h 2 ( r o 2 r i 2 ) + r o three r i three three cos θ ] d θ F = ( p o + g ρ f h ) π ( r o two r i ii )

From this effect, we come across that the force on the end of the tube is equal to the pressure at the center of the tube times the cross-sectional area of the tube. Is this a general result for whatever tube, or is it specific for a horizontal tube face? This can be generalized to any inclination and is an important consequence in fluid statics, in that the force of a fluid of constant density on a submerged flat surface is equal to the pressure at the centroid of the surface times the area of the surface.

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Aerodynamics of Volcanic Particles

G. Bagheri , C. Bonadonna , in Volcanic Ash, 2016

two.1 Volume

Particle volumes can be determined directly by Archimedes' principle, which compares the weight of a particle measured in water to that measured in air (Hughes, 2005). This technique is only practical for lapilli-sized particles, notwithstanding, and is best suited to nonporous textile. Another method for measuring lapilli-sized particles is gas (He) pycnometry, which is usually used for density measurements and is based on gas deportation principle (eg, Klug et al., 2002). For uncoated porous particles, both Archimedes-based methods and gas pycnometers measure the skeletal book, which is the particle volume without considering isolated internal vesicles. More advanced methods for straight volume measurements include 3-D laser and CT scanners, which can provide very detailed information about individual particle size and shape. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation scanners can reconstruct the external envelope of a particle surface in 3-D at a given resolution (eg, 400 points per square inch with resolution of 100   μm for the NextEngine 3D Scanner). CT scanners use X-rays to create shadow projections of the particle on an X-ray sensitive camera and to reconstruct particle 2-D CT slices and 3-D model, which too contains information about the internal construction of the particle (Bagheri et al., 2015). The main disadvantages are that 3-D light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation and CT scanners are not widely accessible, have resolution limits, and require considerable pre- and postprocessing time to acquire a 3-D model of the particle (Bagheri et al., 2015).

Despite recent major technical breakthroughs related to rapid acquisition of three-D models of irregular particles past CT scanning (eg, Garboczi et al., 2012), volume measurements based on direct methods are still non applied, and therefore, indirect methods are used to estimate particle volume. Particle volume, V, can be simply calculated using the diameter of the volume-equivalent sphere d eq:

[1] V = one 6 π d eq 3 .

One method for estimating d eq is to average the tridimensional length of the particle known as particle course dimensions (Bagheri et al., 2015 and references therein). Form dimensions are divers and noted as L: longest, I: intermediate, and Due south: shortest length of the particle (Fig. 1A). These dimensions tin can be measured with a caliper (or, in full general, the distance betwixt two parallel plates tangent to the particle edges) and are called Feret lengths (diameters). Several protocols exist for measuring grade dimensions of irregular particles. The most normally accepted is the standard protocol proposed by Krumbein (1941). First, the longest dimension of the particle, Fifty, is measured; the longest dimension perpendicular to that is I, and, finally, S is the longest dimension perpendicular to both I and Fifty. In contrast, Blott and Pye (2008) defined L, I, and S with respect to the longest, intermediate, and shortest edge dimensions of the minimum bounding box enclosing the particle (Fig. 1B). The accuracy of these protocols is, still, highly dependent on the ability of the operator to place the perpendicular directions along which L, I, and S should be measured. Recently, Bagheri et al. (2015) introduced a project area protocol, which, unlike others, does non require class dimensions to be perpendicular to each other. Instead, form dimensions are measured particle projections that have maximum and minimum areas (Fig. 1C). L and I are defined every bit the largest and smallest dimensions measured on the maximum surface area projection, and South corresponds to the smallest dimension measured in the minimum expanse projection. Form dimensions measured using the projected expanse protocol take low operator-dependent errors and provide accurate estimates of particle volume and surface area (Bagheri et al., 2015).

Figure 1. Schematic analogy of different protocols used to measure course dimensions (Fifty, I, and S) of an irregular volcanic particle. (A) The standard protocol proposed by Krumbein (1941). (B) The minimum bounding box protocol of Blott and Pye (2008). (C) The projection area protocol proposed by Bagheri et al. (2015). Top and bottom projections are the maximum and minimum area projections, respectively.

Figure adjusted from Bagheri, G.H., Bonadonna, C., Manzella, I., Vonlanthen, P., 2015. On the label of size and shape of irregular particles. Powder Technology 270, 141–153.

To judge d eq of irregular particles, course dimensions can be averaged either arithmetically:

[ii] d eq L + I + South 3 ,

or geometrically

[3] d eq ( 50 I S ) 1 / 3 .

Information technology should be noted that using geometric averaging for estimating d eq is equivalent to approximating particle shape with its dimension-equivalent ellipsoid. The dimension-equivalent ellipsoid is hither considered as an ellipsoid with like form dimensions (flatness and elongation ratios) as the particle. The accuracy of Eqs. [2] and [iii] has been benchmarked past measuring the volume of coarse ash- and lapilli-sized dense and vesicular volcanic particles with scanning electron microscope (SEM) micro-CT and three-D laser scanning techniques (Bagheri et al., 2015). Both Eqs. [ii] and [iii] overestimated d eq for all considered particles compared to SEM micro-CT and 3-D laser scanner measurements. The overestimation of the arithmetic mean was on boilerplate 16% (max. threescore%), whereas the geometric mean performed meliorate with an average overestimation of 12% (max. 50%).

Another common method for estimating d eq uses measurements obtained from particle image assay (Leibrandt and LePennec, 2015). In fact, fully automated particle sizers tin can now produce and analyze 100s of particle images inside a few minutes. The images are particle projections (silhouettes), from which several 2-D size characteristics can be measured, including project expanse, A P, projection perimeter, P, and circle equivalent diameter d 2d (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Ordinarily measured variables through prototype assay. A    projection surface area, P    projection perimeter, d second    circle equivalent diameter, l min    minimum caliper length, l max    maximum caliper length, D i    diameter of the largest inscribed circumvolve, and D c    diameter of the smallest circumscribed circle.

Effigy adjusted from Bagheri, Thousand.H., Bonadonna, C., Manzella, I., Vonlanthen, P., 2015. On the characterization of size and shape of irregular particles. Powder Technology 270, 141–153.

Circle equivalent diameter (also known every bit Heywood diameter), d 2D, is the diameter of a circle with the same area as the particle project and is usually used to approximate d eq. All the same, d 2d is strongly dependent on the particle orientation in the captured projection. As a result, obtaining a better approximation of d eq past d 2nd requires a large number of particle projections in different orientations. Needless to say, this is time-consuming and in some cases, impossible, due to difficulty of manually handling fine ash particles; for this reason, about studies utilise merely a single particle projection to estimate volume. Under these weather condition, d second tin exist on average 26% (max. 80%) higher than the bodily d eq of the particle (Bagheri et al., 2015). This overestimation can be decreased if more particle projections are considered; for example, past using 1000 projections, the average error can be reduced to 12% (max. 40%).

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Electrical Ship Backdrop of Ion-Conducting Glass Nanocomposites

S. Bhattacharya , in Glass Nanocomposites, 2016

8.v.6 Density and Tooth Book

The densities of the prepared glass nanocomposite samples were measured by Archimedes principle using acetone equally an immersion liquid. Molar volume of a substance is the volume of i mole of that substance. Molar book of a substance is defined every bit the ratio of its molecular or atomic weight, whichever is suitable to its density. The human relationship between density and composition of an oxide glass nanocomposite system can be expressed in terms of an apparent molar volume of oxygen ( V Yard) for the system, which tin be obtained using the formula

(8.19) V M = 10 i Thousand i / ρ

where 10i is the tooth fraction and Gi is the molecular weight of the ith component.

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Example Problems Involving Phase Relations for Soils

Victor Northward. Kaliakin , in Soil Mechanics, 2017

ane.5.8 Instance 1.8: Unit Weight of Submerged Soil and Its Relation to Moist Unit Weight

Consider a saturated soil that is submerged in h2o. According to Archimedes' principle, the buoyancy force acting on a trunk is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.

Since the soil is saturated, S  =   100% and V w   = V v . The buoyant unit weight is thus

(1.29) γ b = ( W due south V south γ westward ) + ( W west 5 v γ w ) V s + V v

Writing W south in terms of G s and Due west due west in terms γ due west gives

(1.30) γ b = ( G south V s γ w V s γ w ) + ( V v γ w V v γ w ) V south + V v = γ w Five s ( Grand due south 1 ) 5 s + V five

Dividing through the equation by V s gives the concluding expression for the buoyant unit weight; i.e.,

(1.31) γ b = γ w ( G s ane ) 1 + due east

For a saturated soil the expression for moist unit weight given past Eq. (1.28) reduces to

(1.32) γ = γ south a t = γ due west ( G s + e ) 1 + e

Manipulating this expression gives the relationship between the saturated and buoyant unit of measurement weights; i.e.,

(i.33) γ s a t = γ w ( G south + e ) 1 + e = γ w ( G s 1 ) i + e + γ w ( 1 + eastward ) 1 + e = γ b + γ w


(1.34) γ b = γ s a t γ w

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DIMITRI GIDASPOW , in Multiphase Flow and Fluidization, 1994

ii.5 Elevate for Models B and C

The dispersed stage equation (T2.v), was synthetic to satisfy Archimedes' principle. This principle is immediately satisfied when because the instance of statics with no solids stress. For example, consider a dispersed gas–liquid arrangement, with bubbles of density ρ south and a fluid of density ρ 1000 . So clearly the force per unit of measurement length acting on the bubbling is

(ii.25) τ due west southward π D t = g ( ρ bubble ρ fluid ) π D t 2 4 . ε bubble .

The fluid phase balance is obtained by subtracting the dispersed stage balance, Eq. (T2.5) from the mixture momentum residuum, Eq. (T2.3). This yields

Model B Fluid Phase Momentum Residuum (Generalized Darcy'south Law)

(2.26) ε ρ thousand five g d v g d x = d p d x β B ( 5 1000 v s ) m ρ grand 4 τ w one thousand D t .

The relation betwixt βB and βA can exist obtained past comparing Eq. (ii.ix) to Eq. (ii.26) for the case of zero velocity slope, goose egg gravity, and zero wall friction. The divergence between these equations is the porosity that multiplies the gradient of pressure in the model in which the pressure drop is taken to be in the gas and solid phases. Equally an alternative, βB can be obtained directly from the Ergun Equation (2.10). A similar derivation for Model C shows that the friction coefficients for Models B and C are equal.

Notation that at that place is a lack of symmetry between the dispersed stage and the continuous phase momentum balances. Therefore, in applying these equations to describe humid going from all liquid to all vapor, it is necessary to switch from liquid continuous phase to gas at some appropriate volume fraction of steam. Equations (T2.five) and ( tin besides exist used to model flow of neutrally buoyant particles.

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Design loads and casing option

Ted M. Byrom , in Casing and Liners for Drilling and Completion (Second Edition), 2015

Effective Axial Load

The effective axial load as we ascertain it, is calculated using Archimedes' principle, in that the buoyant force is equal to the weight of a fluid displaced by the submerged portion of a body. For convenience we use a buoyancy cistron, k b, based on the density difference betwixt that of the body and the fluid. The buoyancy factor multiplied by the weight of the casing in air gives the buoyed weight of the casing.

(4.3) w ¯ = thousand b ( grand ρ L )

The buoyancy factor is calculated as

(4.iv) k b = 1 ρ mud ρ steel

and is explained in more item in Appendix A (Equation D.19) if y'all are not already familiar with the topic.

Nosotros will non use the effective axial load here, only to calculate the effective axial load at whatever point we could utilise the following procedure:

(4.5) F ^ j = k g b i = 1 j ρ i L i

where we sum the buoyed weights of each department up to the top of some section, j, and for the full buoyed weight of a cord with n sections nosotros merely set j = n and sum over the entire string.

As already stated, the constructive axial load is a fictitious load except for a single point in a casing string, the very pinnacle of the string. Why does anyone use it then? Most probable because it is so simple, but more disturbingly is the possibility they practise not empathise what it is. As to its simplicity, yes, but consider a case where the fluid inside the casing is unlike from the fluid in the annulus. How does that affect our simple buoyancy cistron equation above? Clearly stated, the effective axial load is of no utilize in determining the axial load in casing design because it does not give us the axial load! That said, does the effective axial load have any use at all? The answer to that is emphatically, yes. It is used in determining the indicate of neutral stability for lateral buckling in tubular strings. It has been used correctly for many years in computing the length of drill collars needed to prevent lateral buckling in drill pipe. We will discuss lateral buckling in Chapter 6, and again, see Appendix A for more detailed give-and-take on buoyancy.

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